The Greatest Common Factor Calculator solution also works as a solution for finding:

  • Greatest common factor (GCF)
  • Greatest common denominator (GCD)
  • Highest common factor (HCF)
  • Greatest common divisor (GCD)

What is the Greatest Common Factor?

The greatest common factor (GCF or GCD or HCF) of a set of whole numbers is the largest positive integer that divides evenly into all numbers with zero remainder. For example, for the set of numbers 15, 30 and 45 the GCF is 15.

Greatest Common Factor of 0

Any non zero whole number times 0 equals 0 so it is true that every non zero whole number is a factor of 0.

i × 0 = 0 so, 0 ÷ i = 0 for any whole number i.

For example, 2 × 0 = 0 so it is true that 0 ÷ 2 = 0. In this example, 2 and 0 are factors of 0.

GCF(2, 0) = 2 and more generally GCF(i, 0) = i for any whole number i.

However, GCF(0, 0) is undefined.